Guest article by Sam Briones (learn more about the author at the end of the article):
There are so many people who need to network for a living that we often take for granted how they feel about the whole thing. The truth is, no one really likes to network, or very few people do. When you add shy and introverted inventors or even super busy women inventors to the mix, then the whole thing just becomes so much more awkward and difficult to achieve. However, there isn’t much that we women inventors can all do about it, because networking comes part and parcel with the job.
What if we told you that there are actually ways to make networking fun for many female inventors. Would you believe us? Because really, if you look hard enough, and think hard enough, you may actually be able to find ways or think up ways to make the whole business of networking work for you. The good news is, women inventors don’t have to scratch their heads thinking up new tactics to make networking bearable, because we’ve put them all here. Check our suggestions and see if any of them allow you to make networking fun:
1. You have to find a kind of networking that you enjoy
You may not realize it, but there are already many kinds of networking, and you may already be doing one kind without even knowing it. Of course, there’s the networking that we’re all familiar with—the one that requires you to go to social gatherings and sell yourself and your product. However, if that’s something that you don’t want to do or you would much rather stay at home, you can also network socially online. Getting on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are all valid ways to network now and they are especially convenient for busy women. Find a network setup that you feel is most natural to you and stick to it.
2. Try new networking activities
You’re not alone in your “I hate networking” campaign. Many other inventors, are recognizing that so many of us dislike going to parties at night or networking over cocktails. That is why many people are trying to think of clever solutions and coming up with other networking activities. When you hear of one that appeals to you, take a chance and try it. There is always the possibility that you will really enjoy these more creative types of networking. It is worth going just to see where your preferences lie.
3. See if you’re already networking in the little things that you do everyday
Many inventors hang out in inventor forums online, and it’s easy to find local chapters of the United Inventors Association of America which offer both in-person and online networking opportunities. You can also find sites like, which cater to niche inventor audiences. These are great places to ask questions and get tips. You may meet someone on one of these sites or in one of these groups who can give you the help that you need.
Networking doesn’t have to be the same old boring thing that you’ve seen other inventors and businessmen and women pursue. If you put your own touches into networking, you can make the process suit your personality, your schedule, and your overall lifestyle. Good luck on your next networking event, and remember our tips to make it a different experience for you.
About the Author
Sam Briones writes for Idea Design Studio, an invention development and marketing company. The company is passionate about all things related to invention and helping other inventors realize the potential of their products.