Every individual on earth craves some kind of success. If you disagree with that statement, then perhaps you’re lying to yourself.
Okay, just think back to the things that once were your dreams but suddenly vanished. Strange right? It’s not because you didn’t care for those dreams but perhaps it was hesitance that stopped you from taking the initial step required to achieve those dreams.
One of the biggest factors that stops people from following their dreams and initiating their ideas is the terror barriers: The fear of failure or losing control and the fear of leaving your comfort zone. If your dream is to be an entrepreneur, this comfort zone can be a great barrier to the success of your business whether or not you’ve started it.
The five things that can help you get out of your safety blanket or comfort zone are:
1. Ask Yourself, “Why Not?”
Make it a habit to question yourself about the things that make you uncomfortable. Think about all the things that serve as barriers and stop you from taking a required action. Figure out how taking the leap can advance your business success and how not taking that leap will result negative effects to the business.
Ask yourself what will make you move forward in developing a new skill or new passion because as an entrepreneur, personal growth is what you should seek.
2. Identify the Barriers
Analyzing your comfort zone can highlight the key barriers that stop you from progressing. Identify those barriers and come up with a strategy to overcome them. This will assist you in discovering new skills and areas of expertise that you never knew you had. Use these strengths to get over your business hurdles.
3. Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
An entrepreneur needs to get comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to withstand competition, increased demands, and pressure to manage the business. Being uncomfortable will provide you with new opportunities to improve your strategies and come up with something innovative.
Dive into something that you’ve never done before and get ready to feel recharged from the endorphin rush you’ll experience.
4. Experience Something New
Stepping out of your comfort zone can be daunting, but in order to grow, you need to put energy into things you’ve never invested in. Think about other factors of your business that might contribute to its growth. By doing so, you’ll learn something new, and you’ll be exposed to new challenges. Don’t worry if it backfires, because at the end of the day, you’ll learn something new.
5. Be Consistent
Consistency is the key. It’s great if you’ve conquered one of your fears, but as an entrepreneur, you need to be on the lookout for new challenges, new competition, and a new field to broaden your horizons. In order to be successful, entrepreneurs need to step out and push the boundaries of their comfort zones regularly.
Take all the baby steps necessary. Start by setting small, intermediary, and long-term goals. Ask yourself when was the last time you felt uncomfortable or genuinely challenged. Maybe it’s the time to start striving for the things you fear.
Your passion for fulfilling your dream. Your ability to take a risk and your determination to never lose hope are the things that can lead you to the top tier of the success ladder.
About the Author
Sarah Burj is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and blogger who founded Logodesigner.ae in 2015 with zero capital, where she helps businesses of all sizes in building a strong online presence. She also is passionate about empowering women to start their own ventures and businesses. At work, she is always busy in finding new opportunities. At home, you will find her listening to old records or drinking coffee with a book in her hands.
This is so true!! I recently have ventured out to become a Freelance Writer. I was hesitant at first for fear of failing…but I am pushing forward outside my comfort zone. I’m also a perfectionist, if you know anything about perfectionist, you know this is a huge hurdle for me!!!
Thanks for the great article, pieces like this keep me inspired and moving forward!