Brought to you by Berke Group, LLC:
When you’re in a leadership position, the tendency is to focus on helping and guiding others so they can better themselves, as opposed to concentrating on improving your own skills. When you’re a leader, the expectations of you are high. This means you should focus on enhancing your skills, staying sharp, and being prepared, so you can guide others in the right direction. Here are six ways you can enhance your management skills:
1. Make Time!
If you want to better yourself, you have to make time for yourself. Without focusing your time and effort into doing something, the chances of change taking place are slim. To that end, one way of upping your management skills is by watching TED talks, which can be highly insightful and relevant. The best part is that they’re short but still filled with valuable information.
2. Concentrate on Your Emotional Intelligence
Specialists explain there are different types of intelligence, one of them being emotional intelligence. According to research, many women find it challenging to control their emotions, but when you’re in a leadership position, you can’t afford to let your emotions guide your decisions. Hence, you should pay more attention to your own emotions, try to read them, and learn to control them. It also helps to learn how to assess other people’s emotions.
3. Be Honest
When it comes to communicating with your colleagues, the key is to be honest and straightforward. This is essential to fostering efficient and effective communication at work. At the same time, whenever you communicate with someone – whether you’re providing positive or negative feedback – make sure you communicate with sincerity and empathy. These are some of the most important qualities a leader should possess.
4. Be Decisive
Even though there’s no way you can be 100% sure that all the decisions you’ll make will be the right ones, you should embrace a decisive approach. In this respect, you should get your facts straight before making a decision, do some research, consider all the possible implications, and always consider several options.
5. Get Inspired and Inspire People
We hear a lot about inspiration nowadays, and even though we most likely associate inspiration with Pinterest or Instagram, you can also get inspired when it comes to boosting your managerial skills. At the same time, as a good leader, you should consider coaching others and inspiring them as well.
6. Customize Your Hiring Technique
And finally, you shouldn’t overlook the importance of using the right employment technique. For example, you might consider incorporating the Berke assessment, which entails testing the skills of an employee before hiring him or her.
What other tips would you add regarding enhancing your management skills? There are many other strategies worth noting, but the strategies discussed above are some of the most important and can help any women in a managerial position.