Women face unique challenges in leadership positions. This, in part, is because we're relatively "new" in the leadership and entrepreneur space: we couldn't even get a business loan without a male family member co-signer until 1988. The other part (or, perhaps the main part) is due to a bias against female leaders. These three leadership tips aim to help female leaders elevate … [Read more...]
How to Improve Your Leadership Skills – LevelUp Leader Review
If you want to get a job in a leadership role or you want to be a better leader in your current role, then you need to improve your leadership skills. Believe it or not, these are skills that don’t come naturally to everyone. The good news is you can learn to be an impactful and effective leader. However, there are different types of leaders. You need to understand which type … [Read more...]
How to Use Storytelling to Rally and Transform
Storytelling is often talked about as a critical business skill, but where does that skill come from? For me, it was my Jamaican family, who made stories a cornerstone of my upbringing. My parents both emigrated to the United States before I was born. In fact, it was before they met each other. They first met at a bus stop in Brooklyn but didn't really connect with each other … [Read more...]
5 Psychological Barriers Keeping You from Delegating
Recently, I shared five things entrepreneurs must understand about delegation to be successful, but even after you've accepted how important delegation to your employees and delegation through outsourcing are to build your career or your business, you might not be able to do it. Delegating is hard for many people, but if you don't delegate, you'll suffer from too much stress, … [Read more...]
How Businesses Can Pave the Way for More Female Leaders
As a female entrepreneur, chief executive, and founder, I have an intimate understanding of the many hats women wear in their lives and the incredibly valuable traits they bring to the workplace, including self-awareness, intuition, empathy, influence, and the ability to manage conflicts, among others. But despite gains in overall labor force participation, the road to … [Read more...]
How Authenticity Empowers Leaders – Even Introverts
I’ve learned a lot about leadership over the years. The biggest lesson? Being authentic makes you a better leader. That means showing up as your true self at work — and for me, that means embracing being an introvert. Doing that has helped me improve the way I communicate with others, embrace new thoughts and ideas, and foster trust throughout my team. Years ago, I was part … [Read more...]
It’s Not You, It’s The System: Reframing Imposter Syndrome
Recent headlines have touted the record-breaking 10% representation of female CEOs in the top Fortune 500 companies for the first time in its 68-year history. Forbes, for example, led with New Year, New Glass Heights: Women Now Comprise 10% of Top US Corporation CEOs. But should we really be celebrating a figure like 10%? At a time when women outnumber men in college … [Read more...]
I Should Have NEVER Hired My Spouse
If you've hired your spouse, I hope that it's working for you. It didn’t work for me. I discovered things about both of us that I wish I had considered (or known) beforehand. I'm not saying that hiring family doesn’t work. It can and does. In fact, I have two members of my family who work for me now. However, the process of hiring them, the on-boarding process, and the review … [Read more...]
The Crisis of Managing Generation Z
A good friend asked me recently, “What’s the single most debilitating thing facing the generation entering the workforce?” My fast answer: critical thinking. With managing emotions a close second. I’m not a generations researcher by career focus. I wound up studying this in response to a growing number of befuddled clients – and apparently most CEOs in Davos last month, asking … [Read more...]
How to Keep Your Team from Melting Down During the Holiday Season
It's that time of year again! The holidays are upon us and, for many businesses, that means an increase in workload and stress levels. How can you keep your team from melting down during this busy season? Here are a few tips: 1. Identify Goals and Prioritize Identify goals that must be met and determine priorities that must be handled now vs. what can wait until the holiday … [Read more...]