Brought to you by LogoMyWay:
Logos are visual brand identities for companies. Learn why you should KISS your logo – Keep It Simple Seriously.
Did you know that the average human attention span is now a mere eight seconds?
If you’re a brand trying to market yourself to potential clients, you have just eight seconds to tell them what exactly you’re about, earn their trust you, and convince them to buy whatever it is you’re selling. Eight seconds.
Do you want to know what your most powerful marketing tool becomes in this moment? Your logo. A simple and clear logo does more for a brand than videos, blogs, and other ads you could possibly invest in. For example, you only have to think of two golden arches before McDonald’s comes to mind.
Why Should You Avoid Complex Logos?
If you’re still not convinced how important it is for a logo to be simple, here is some evidence from a research study conducted by UCLA professor Alan Castel and colleagues:
100 iPhone and Apple product users were pooled randomly and asked to recall the Apple logo and draw it from memory. The shocking truth? Only one person was able to draw the Apple logo correctly. To their credit, seven people drew the logo with a few errors.
What amazed marketers was how, despite the Apple logo being one of the simplest logos and one of the most recognizable logos in the world, the logo details escaped 90% of people.
What to Look for When Getting a Logo Designed
What makes a logo memorable? In a nutshell – simplicity and clarity. At a glance, your logo should tell consumers what business you’re about. It should be self-explanatory.
The logo shouldn’t have complex graphics that are hard to remember; neither should it be explicit, vulgar, or inappropriate in any manner. According to LogoMyWay, your logo design should be simple, yet powerful, and stand out from your competitors.
Getting your logo designed and designed well is the first step to obtaining a memorable logo. Once you’ve settled on a logo for your company, you have to be intentional and aggressive with your advertising. You have to get your brand out there. You have to make your logo visible.
Market Your Logo Aggressively
Coca-Cola is probably the world’s most memorable and easily recognized brand. According to the company, every day 1.9 billion servings are consumed in more than 200 countries. How did The Coca-Cola Company manage to achieve this?
It goes without saying that a great product markets itself. You can create the world’s leading logo, but if your product is poor, you’ll struggle to be successful. It also doesn’t hurt to have a sizeable advertising budget.
If you’re just starting out, take advantage of any and every means you have to get your brand out there. Sponsor local games in your area, invest in corporate social responsibility initiatives, get your company some air time on TV, and don’t forget to use social media strategically.
Companies with Successful Simple Logos
If you do the above (i.e., get a simple logo designed and invest heavily in advertising), you’re well on your way to becoming a memorable brand. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. To see examples of companies with successful simple logos you don’t have to look far.
Apple, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Microsoft, Google, Facebook – the mere mention of each of these names has already conjured up the respective logos in your minds. That is the power of a simple logo.