Want to rise up the corporate ladder and take your career as far and high as it can go? If so, you need to act the part and live the role that matches your goals regardless of your current title.
Kate White, editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan and former editor-in-chief of Child, Working Woman and Redbook, shares 21 specific tips along with examples in a recent article she wrote for Women’s Media. All of her tips are useful and some are absolutely rules to live by.
Some of my favorite tips from Kate’s “Cheat Sheet for Women Who Are on Their Way Up” include:
- “Always, always dress for the job you aspire to.” While I don’t necessarily agree with Kate’s suggestion to purchase a $400 suit, I do agree with the concept of dressing for the role you want, not the role you have, in order to create the perception among your colleagues that you’re prepared to rise up in the ranks.
- “Focus on one clear goal or mission.” Kate warns that most women are programmed to “do it all.” Instead, focus on a goal, and you’re more likely to achieve it.
- “Delegate.” Kate suggests, “Give away anything you possibly can that doesn’t necessitate your expertise and judgment.”
- “Create ‘face time.'” Research has shown that women are far more likely to self-promote than men. Kate urges women to “make your presence known and let your boss in on what’s happening.”
What are your suggestions for women who are on their way up? Leave a comment and share your tips.
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