According to a post on Wise Women Investor today, 18% of all grad students are 40 or older. That’s a phenomenal statistic that proves it’s never too late to go back to school to get that degree you always wanted but never had the time or money to pursue. However, wanting to get that degree and paying for the education to obtain it are two different things.
In her post on Wise Women Investor, Going Back to School Without Going Broke, Lisa Moren Bromma provides six ideas to help you find the money you need to return to school. She discusses financial aid, scholarships, tuition reimbursements, loans and more.
If you’re interested in returning to school, take a look at the post on Wise Women Investor and get your creative juices flowing to find the best way to pay the bills that go along with higher education.
Do you have any tips to help women find ways to afford going back to school? If so, please leave a comment and share them with Women On Business readers.
Tags: graduate school, college scholarship, tuition reimbursement, financial aid, return to school, businesswomen, women in business, women on business, career development