Guest post by Shann Vander Leek. Learn more about Shann at the end of this post.
Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis. – Martha Beck
Not long ago, my career had been dedicated to sales, mentoring, coaching and leading an exceptional sales force.
For most of my prior career, I was a woman who: was happily married, may never have children, would earn a six figure income, was a loyal employee, was an over achiever, traveled to exotic places, would live in my dream home, and wanted to be involved in the highly charged corporate world forever!
Commence with the metamorphosis…
A sacred knowing or astuteness accompanies the first foray into motherhood. Children have a way of smacking you upside the head with an uber dose of what is truly critical. Having a child became the catalyst for a complete lifestyle transformation. The high stress of being corporate Shann and doing business in someone else’s boardroom was losing its appeal. Even though the chosen path resulted in the realization of my goals and dreams, I quickly became completely disinterested in corporate culture and, unwilling to jump through any more hoops for the big bucks.
It’s amusing, and disheartening, when you realize your dedication, smart work, energy, – all the things you put into your career daily – are ONLY for the sake of performing a duty and receiving a paycheck. This awareness helped cement my corporate world exit strategy. It was time to let go of the illusion of control that the “big bucks” created. Don’t get me wrong, big bucks rock! However, they will rock even louder on my terms as an entrepreneur and professional coach.
Toward the end of 2005, I started preparing my exit strategy. No longer a company creature; my job was surely destroying my soul. I longed to spend my days being left alone by the “powers that be”. After much thoughtful consideration, conversations with my husband and confidantes, moving forward on the path of my dreams was the only choice.
For about one year, many of my evenings, weekends and lunch hours were dedicated to self improvement and studying for my professional coaching certification. This due diligence included, setting a new household budget, moving investments, setting up a home equity line of credit, and finally, buying a new car (for the first time in 11 years!). The plan was to build my coaching business and the True Balance brand, one day at a time until I could give my two weeks notice.
After fourteen years, I left my prior life on my terms. My former employer decided to downsize our management group within two months of my planned exodus. The choice of who would leave was ours to figure out amongst ourselves. I volunteered to be the “lucky” laid off executive and have never looked back. Thankfully, this scenario meant an unexpected severance and benefits package from my former employer. Synchronicity is such a blessing!
I packed my box, said “so long” to the big bucks, turned in my company SUV, let go of a cushy expense account, and found the courage to walk away from a career that no longer suited me.
Fast-forward …
Today I am a woman who is grateful to have a healthy and happy daughter, who has earned the six figure income plus all the perks, who has traveled to many delightful places, who currently lives in the home of my dreams, and who has become a successful entrepreneur.
Being in the business of helping people recognize their brilliance is a blast! The focus for the rest of my days will be about helping people do the things they think they cannot do. All the characteristics that made me a success in corporate America benefit me as an entrepreneur. Discovering your groove and creating a luscious life is all about allowing for grace through the transition.
This caterpillar has become a butterfly.
About the Author
For 16 years, Shann Vander Leek has inspired thousands of entrepreneurs. Telephone and email consultations make her accessible to clients all over the world. Please visit for more information or to schedule your complimentary discovery session. 231.668.1111