Feeling that you have a purpose and a passion is what moves us to create our own businesses. There is something that we are here to do; something bigger than ourselves. So, off we go. Right, I’m going to create my own business, change the world and be successful!
Hmm, not so easy?
There are a lot of things for you to consider and do in your own business. Let’s face it; you have to do everything until you get going. But doing everything can be a real drag. There are things you are brilliant at and things that you really suck at. Isn’t it always the case that the things you just hate, seem to take the longest and seem to suck all the energy and joy out of you.
Well then, it’s time to get some clarity. Why waste your time building your business in a way that doesn’t suit you? After all you started your business to do something you love, not all that other stuff that you hate. But I guess you’ve been told to do it this way; do it that way. You have to do this, you have to do that. That is what all the business gurus say!
Do it your way! Let’s start with taking a real close look at the things about your business that you love doing. What makes you feel fulfilled? What do you look forward to doing? Got that list.
Now make another list. What do you hate doing? What just drains your energy and makes you feel like giving it all away?
You have your 2 lists ready to go. You want to find ways of really working with the first list. How can you grow your business doing these things? Can you market your business in a way that you will truly enjoy?
The hate list. How can you minimise your time doing this stuff? Can you get someone else to do it? If you could schedule yourself in minimum time to get it done and out of the way, would that help? Is there a new way that you could look at it or do it coming from the place of what you love to do?
Working with your easy brilliance is what it is all about. It really changes the way you feel about your business. Your day becomes easier and happier. You are focussing on what fulfils you the most. And your business grows into a beautiful shining reflection of you.
About the Author
Andrea Putting is a Spiritual and Business Mentor who works with women at a spiritual level to help them clear the blocks around money and success, and empowers them with practical steps to create a business that provides them with freedom and independence.