Post by Dr. Marsha Firestone, contributing Women On Business writer
Emotional Intelligence, also known as Emotional Quotient, seems to be more prominent in female entrepreneurs than their male counterparts. This is the ability to communicate with, remember, and learn from your relationships with other people. Basically, when networking with others, it is the skills used to build and keep the relationships.
If you feel comfortable networking, chances are you have a high EQ. Women can use this to their advantage in several ways when speaking with potential clients, employees, and other business. By feeling at ease while networking, you are able to be yourself and get the point across about your business successfully. The people you are speaking with will also feel comfortable, and are likely to remember the positive interaction.
Being confident at first meeting is great, but the follow up after the initial networking is where you really build and keep the relationship. The thoughtfulness to follow up will make the client feel valued and more likely to come back to do business with you.
If you have a low EQ, it can be developed. Read networking articles, practice with employees or friends; it will eventually become habitual. Additionally, look for new ways to network. By being creative and finding a networking technique that comes easy to you, you will set yourself apart from others, and feel confident while you are doing it.
In the end, building your Emotional Quotient will help in developing and keeping beneficial business relationships. There is certainly an emotional aspect to business, cultivate it and train it. You may find it to be an advantage in many ways.
Technorati Tags: emotional intelligence,emotional quotient,women in business,women on business,businesswomen,business women,business networking,building business relationships
Really great article, thank you Susan! EQ plays such an important role in business development. Your article really rings true to what we stand for, here at Magneto Strategics. Developing people and business for greater success!
Kind Regards.
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