News and Insights from Business Women (December 14, 2011)
2011 Most Powerful Moms in Washington D.C.
They’re women. They’re mothers. They’re in Washington, D.C. And they’re powerful. Find out who they are according to Working Mother and see them in pictures.
You’re the Boss, Give Yourself a Performance Review
Suzanne Lucas, The Evil HR Lady from, tells us that even though you’re the boss, you should still get a performance review — even if you have to do it yourself! Suzanne provides great insights and reasons why you should review your own performance if you’re the boss in her article (click the link above).
The One Resolution You Need to Make in 2012
Dayna Steele from Fast Company share the most important resolution that we need to make in 2012. It’s a simple resolution but one that is easy to forget to keep up with throughout the year. Here it is — Do what you say you are going to do, otherwise known as accountability. Follow the link above to get all the details.
No Real Difference Between Girls’ and Boys’ Math Abilities
The age old myth that men are better at math than girls is false. A new study reveals there is no math gender gap. Get the details in the link above from io9.
Thanks for sharing these links, Susan. Very inspiring! Love the powerful moms list. I’ve always had the highest respect for super moms who juggle family life and their career!