Guest post by Karen Keller (learn more about Karen at the end of this post)
We go about our days figuring out how we can truly influence people and affect change in their lives. But are we missing the key to the art of persuasion?
It begins with persuading yourself. And beyond persuading – owning the perspective. When we set out to be influential, we can’t seek to influence if we don’t own our own ideas lock, stock and barrel.
The art of persuasion is truly an art. It involves finessing our personal behaviors and thought processes, changing the way we think and integrating a new set of concepts into our own lives so completely that sharing becomes second nature. We can teach, mentor and offer guidance because we’ve lived through these behavioral changes ourselves. We’re authentic because we own the transformation and the ideologies behind the change.
Now, we’ve all met someone along our paths that seems…not quite genuine. Like they say one thing and do another or are trying to sell us a bill of goods without really buying into what they’ve got for sale. To be a master at the art of persuasion, we have to believe so completely in what we share that there’s not a hint of doubt in our voices as we extol the benefits of the sea change we’re sharing. Do you want to be a huckster or a mentor?
Today, your action task is simple: take a look at your business and determine three areas in which you’re not completely convinced. Maybe it’s how you handle your finances or a piece of marketing material that makes you look twice. What can you do to these three things you’ve identified to persuade yourself to believe? If something is missing, be honest with yourself about what it is and take the first step to own those tings more fully. It begins with us, so why not begin now?
About Karen Keller
Karen Keller is an expert in women’s leadership and assertiveness training. She can be found at
Brandy Hawkins says
Great post and even better advice! I am a new business owner and I have been finding it hard to find leads that result in clients. This post has made me look at my business with a true heart. I am not as confident as I should be about being able to make it as an entrepreneur. Another site in which I have found solid advice that is proving to be very helpful is She is is a branding coach and mentor and I can’t begin to tell you how much I look forward to reading her blog posts to help me through this uncharted journey as a business-owner.