I’ve been trying for years to determine why some marketing, in general, is simply not effective. In fact, sometimes marketing has the exact opposite effect than what is desired. Case in point – the company brochure. Some firms work for hours, days, and months to create the perfect brochure with the best writing and layout. Yet later they discover that they could have inserted a swear word inside without a single person noticing (I don’t actually recommend trying such a thing though). Why don’t they bother reading this piece that you poured your creative blood sweat and tears into?
The objective of most marketing collateral is to present a distinctive company filled with unique benefits that a customer needs and wants. Ultimately, the goal is to have a brochure so compelling in nature that people read through it and then decide they HAVE to do business with the firm! But the reality is, people aren’t reading most brochures (or other marketing materials, for that matter) because they know exactly why it is being presented to them. To “sell” them.
A brochure or even your website, filled with perfectly created marketing phrases and pictures of models and ocean waves hitting the shore, certainly are aesthetically pleasing. But in order to compel people to read your brochure and find out more about your firm, your message must sound and be authentic. That is truly attractive. Marketing today should be…
…as authentic as you are. The words you use should be the words your clients and prospects would use to describe their challenges, solutions and benefits. Not perfect words and perfect pictures. People want to work with someone they are comfortable with, someone they can trust. In sales, less of the pitch and more of the informal conversational approach has proven to be more successful. And that’s what we need more of today.
We are attracted to real, authentic marketing and portrayals of what you do and who you are. So, take out the perfect-ness to your marketing and replace it with you. Create a blog with your words, use real pictures, create a video. Show them the real you. You may be surprised at how much more attractive you are – without any of the fluff!
You’re right – people don’t like to read catch phrases and lengthy descriptions. One of the most useful tools I have found is stories people can relate to.
This is so true. I mean why would we spend all that time in creating a brochure. I know when I even get handed one, it ends up somewhere in the back seat of my car! Now, I will read something that has more pictures, color, and I even attract to a brochure that has glossier paper for some reason. Wonder if there is something related to sensory of a brochure? But there has to be a reason for me to even get that far! This was very interesting!