Have you ever wondered how people seem to juggle 15 tasks while sipping on their coffee with a calm smile? Well, you came to the right place. I'm going to help you unlock your own powerful, packed day, so you can sip your coffee with a smile too. Our world is full of distractions, but it's up to you to figure out how to master controlling and managing those distractions while … [Read more...]
Freeing Yourself from the Scroll – How to Use Social Media and Live Your Life
Many of us have an intense love/hate relationship with social media. There are things to learn and great content to consume — but man, you can scroll for a solid 45 minutes in what feels like a blink of an eye. How do we help ourselves reap the benefits of social media (even just the laughs) without frittering away too much of our time at the expense of actually living? Here … [Read more...]
3 Decluttering Hacks to Apply at Work for a More Productive Day
2020 was the year I went from being a mum of one to a mum of two. It was also the year I relaunched my health coaching practice when my son was 5 months old. What became really apparent to me becoming a mum of two is that the things that worked for me before, I now had to come up with new ways to tackle them. For example, preparing home-cooked meals was challenging when … [Read more...]
Time Management is Dead in an Attention Economy
We live in an era of information overload. We’re constantly bombarded with information via email, smartphones, television, radio, social media, internet, and advertising. The scarcest resource we have is not our time, but our attention. To be highly productive in a world of information overload, you need to be ruthless about applying your attention. Traditional time … [Read more...]
The Everyday Habit That Is Killing Your Brain (and Your Dreams)
Our 21st century world demands a lot from us. We're completing big projects, responding to emails, checking social media, raising children, caring for friends and family, and managing our own health. And we’re doing it all at once. At least, we’re trying to. With so much going on, we resort to the age old trick: Multi-tasking. It’s the only way to get everything done, … [Read more...]
3 Fundamental Secrets for Mastering Time Management
It can often feel that the thing that stands between you and your goals is lack of time. How often have you wished for more time in the day? How many times have you thought that if you had just one, two, three more hours you could get everything done? But alas, time is the great equalizer – it’s the one thing we all have the same amount of. And so the key is not to wish for … [Read more...]
5 Tips to Reduce Interruptions and Get More Done
Sponsored by SaneBox: Time – we all want more of it, but what if you didn’t need more time at all? What if by making some simple changes to your day, you could recoup some of the time you lose each day instead? How much more productive would you be? How much more time would you have to spend doing the things you enjoy rather than working? Now, I want you to stop thinking … [Read more...]
How To Work Less and Accomplish More
It's been eight years since Tim Ferriss penned the classic The 4-Hour Work Week that prompted millions of over-worked and under-satisfied workers all over the world to wonder if there was a better way to live their lives---a way to work less and accomplish more. People are still searching for the secret of getting their work done in less time so they have more time to … [Read more...]
Incorporate a Weekly Review into Your Work Schedule
What is a weekly review of your work schedule? It’s a structured evaluation and discovery process that allows you to determine how effective your work process has been throughout the week. It allows you to determine what went well, what scheduled work did not get completed, and what priorities need to be set for next week. The weekly review is an effective tool for organizing … [Read more...]
The Myth of Multitasking
We have all heard that women are better at multitasking then me, but, where does that get us? Studies indicate that multitasking actually does not make a positive contribution in our use of time or the quality of our productivity. When we multitask, we actually have less focus on the work we are doing and the combined tasks take longer to complete. So let’s look at an … [Read more...]